therapy in the Perinatal period

Preparation for and adjustment to the addition of a child into a family is a challenging endeavor, even in the best of circumstances. Postpartum Support International has helpful resources. We have specialized training and experience in supporting a variety of perinatal difficulties, including:

  • Birth and medical trauma, including NICU stays

  • Challenges with adjustment and connection

  • Pregnancy and infant loss

  • Trying to conceive & infertility

  • Postpartum Depression, Anxiety, & Traumatic Stress

Therapy with young children and their caregivers

You may be seeking therapy because of concerns about your young child or children. Whether your child has experienced something scary, lost someone they loved, or is having difficulty adjusting to a new situation, there is hope for healing and resilience in every story. It is a common misconception that children under 5 are buffered from the impact of trauma and relationship loss. However, research shows us that therapy is especially important in the early years. We work with your child and you together to create a space where playfulness and connection is used to help your child. Kids typically enjoy therapy a great deal - we try to make it fun while also addressing difficult circumstances. Play, creativity, and connection are cultivated in all of my sessions with young kids and families.

As your child’s parent, you are a vital part of therapy. Children learn, grow, and heal within the support of relationships with their caregivers. Our work is strongly grounded in our extensive training in Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP), which is widely considered the gold standard of treatment for children under 6 years of age who have been through stressful events or trauma.

Often, parents find that working closely with their child in therapy brings them healing and connection in their own lives.

Therapy for parents & caregivers

Whether you have children by birth, adoption, or through the foster care system, parenting is one of life’s most monumental undertakings. It has a perplexing way of bringing up our own childhood and creates opportunities for us to begin or continue our own healing from not-so-ideal circumstances that we do not wish to pass onto another generation.

We specialize in creating space for parents who have been involved with the foster care system. Reunification after a separation, being a foster parent or kinship parent, and adopting children all present unique challenges that require a depth of understanding of what it means to parent under each particular circumstance.

We also work with parenting individuals and couples who are struggling after very stressful events, or who may find themselves feeling depressed or anxious after the birth or adoption of a new child. As a parent, you spend so much energy creating space for your little ones. Allow us to help you do the same for yourself.